New Residents of Glen Ullin

Welcome to Glen Ullin

Check out the license and permits tab for any licenses you may need when living in Glen Ullin.

Water Meter & Garbage Service-Before connecting your water we will need a billing address and $15.00 new service fee, $5.00 meter replacement fee and first month's garbage fee of $18.90.  One check can be written for $38.90 made payable to the City of Glen Ullin

Bills can be paid by mail PO Box 70  Glen Ullin, ND  58631 or dropping a check in the drop box on the city municipal building.  You can also have your payment made electronically, on the 15th of each month.  Complete "Authorization-Direct Payment" form below and return to the City of Glen Ullin. 

To start or stop water, sewer & garbage service fill out the service request.  If you are leaving, we will need your forwarding address and if you are starting service, we need the address where we will mail your water bill. 

Service Request

ACH Authorization

Water Leaks


 The library was formed in 1956-57 by a group of dedicated volunteers. 


Wednesday 4:00-6:00PM

Friday     1:30PM-3:30PM


114 Main St S



Senior Citizens Center
Food Pantry-click for more information

Do you have a Water Leak?

Are you ready to chase down leaks?  An undetected or unrepaired water leak can mean thousands of gallons of water waste each month.  For an example:

* 1/32" drip can waste 6,166 gallons per month

1/16" trickle can waste 24,666 gallons per month

1/8" stream can waste 98,666 gallons per month

1/4" stream can waste 393,833 gallons per month

If you suspect a leak, the easiest way to confirm it is to check the reading on your meter by taking the following steps:

1. Make sure all faucets and water using appliances, inside and out, are turned  off.  Leave the master valve open

2. Check the reading on your meter.  Your water meter is usually located in the basement right where the water comes into the house.  You can lift the cover and shine a bring light on the meter to read it. 

3. If there is no water being used inside or outside the home and the meter continues to move or "creep" it is often indicative of a leak or drip somewhere in your home's water system. 

Burning-Fire Pits

Click on link below for the rules

Fire Rules.pdf Fire Rules.pdf
Size : 89.751 Kb
Type : pdf


Women of Sacred Heart-meet first Wednesday of each month at 4:15PM at the church.   

Glen Ullin Museum

GUPPIES-3rd Wednesday 5:30PM

American Legion

Glen Ullin Senior Citizens

Saddle Club-President Marlyn Staiger

Glen Ullin Museum

Glen Ullin Historical Society

GU Area Dollars for Scholars



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